Why i created this space…


On a wellness journey managing issues with my mental and physical well-being, trying normalised western approaches to health and later seeking alternative practices, my experiences have granted me an expanded perspective and deeper awareness about the human psyche and mind-body connection. Feeling challenged to regulate my nervous system and noticing a trend of dis-ease and disconnect in my peer groups and communities, my affinity for these energy healing modalities and natural medicines have directed me down this path as a light worker to now provide the same for others.

As a Maori practitioners in this field, incorporating Rongoa Maori, Waiata and Karakia not only provides it’s own distinctive healing benefits but is also restoring that lost connection to the whenua and magic of this land we live on. The Te ao Maori world view deeply resonates and inspires me and I aim to incorporate these principles and values into everything I provide.

The fundamental force shaping the interconnected ecosystem of our well-being lies in the health of our nervous system. Healing and balancing this central regulator profoundly influences our mindsets, energetic body, physical health and overall quality of life. I believe taking the time to slow down, be present and have the opportunity to reflect on your inner landscape truly allows you to get to the root cause of any struggles, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Of course every individual is unique but the beauty of these practices is that the healing benefits work on a subconscious level, providing a sense of relief, calm and alleviating energetic and emotional blockages no matter what.

te ao maori connection

I am still defining and coming to understand my connection to my own culture but growing up in Aotearoa, whakapapa to Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke, I already have a deep connection and reverence for Maori spirituality and healing. As I continue to learn and evolve, deepening my knowledge, my relationship to these cultural, ancestral practices and principles will shift and adapt.

My current awareness though is that when we’re connected to people, place, and whenua, we have a deeper, richer understanding of who we are and where we’ve come from. We can make wiser, more compassionate decisions for ourselves and others when we’re not in a vibration of mental distress, dis-ease, or isolation from our whanau and wider community. Everything to do with general, overall health is intertwined; taha tinana (physical well-being), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional well-being), taha whanau (social well-being), and taha wairua (spiritual well-being)… adopting this knowledge and understanding from a Maori perspective enhances and strengthens my healing abilities and space holding experiences, making it more authentic to who I am.


Throughout history, people on Earth have known about the invisible force that seems to keep things alive and going, it was understood that some kind of energy was flowing around, through and within all living things. The Indians called it Prana, the Chinese called it Chi, the Japanese called it Ki, the Hawaiians called it Huna, etc. This energy was studied thoroughly by shamans, medicine men/women, yoga masters and other energy practitioners and most of the esoteric sects of religions. Reiki is one of those energy works, Mikao Usui, a Japanese man, put together an energy healing system in the early 1920’s and called it Usui Method of Reiki Healing.

Essentially Reiki is a channelling of energy, specifically perfectly balanced, since it comes from the Universe where everything is in perfect balance. When Reiki energy comes into contact with the recipient’s body the cells pass this energy by the form of electromagnetic signal starting a new flow of energy where blockages may be present, clearing and re-aligning. It does not require guiding with the mind, it is guided by the higher power that knows what vibration or combination of vibrations to have and how to act. It is an extremely safe modality that does absolutely no harm, is gentle and non-intrusive.

I received my Reiki attunement and training with Dr Ann Kerwin in 2023. She is a wonderful, precious woman certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and member of the New Zealand Reiki Association and I feel very lucky to have gained the wisdom and knowledge of this healing from her.

Sound Therapy

Sound healing works to harmonize the body and mind, using specific vibrational frequencies to shift your brain waves to an aligned state, clearing stagnant energy and achieving a higher vibrational state of mind. We live in a vibrational universe, modern science has proven that everything is always in a state of vibration. From the movements of the planets to the beating of our heart, every atom, cell, tissue, organ, and bone in our bodies is vibrating. Through sound, we can shift, regulate and balance the rhythms of our brain waves and energy centres to an aligned, resonant frequency and back into an optimal state of health and vitality.

Sophie Correia, my close friend and mentor, provided my Singing Bowl training in 2023 after I spent the last 12 months shadowing her, assisting at her exceptional Day Retreats and attending Sound Baths religiously. I can attribute a lot of my growth and emotional management skills to her incredible energy healing work, helping me truly transform my life after I found traditional western medicine practices unhelpful in healing my mind and body.